Are you a restaurateur or an individual wishing to present his culinary masterpieces? Or are you tired of wondering what to eat today? Or what restaurant would you go to? Or do
you want to have it delivered to your home, office or anywhere else depending on your location?
Then Pick'nTchop is for you.
Pickn’Tchop is a mobile restaurant meal ordering and delivery application launched by OSS in 2020 based in Douala, Cameroon. Addressing itself particularly to restaurants, it is
in a way the "Instagram" of restaurateurs because one of its main strengths and not the least, is to be a highly designed platform on which they will not only be able to present
their different menus classified by categories but also the photos of the different dishes in an aesthetic way.
If you want to eat locally, or even discover Western flavors and you are unsure of the place, no worries. Pickn’Tchop proposes to list all the restaurants that are open in your surroundings
or even further away so that you find satisfaction.
Using Pick'nTchop will allow restaurateurs to expand their clientele by reaching out to individuals who are geographically close to them, on the one hand.
On the other hand, any person will be able at any time to know not only the restaurants open around him, but in addition and especially the menu that he offers today.
Over Soft Solution, the idea of solution.